Working Group Meeting: Introducing the Demand FLEXmarket

May 17, 2021

New Technologies and Business Models Workgroup

May 19, 2021 1:45 PM ET

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Who is it for?

Utility Program Administrators, Energy Efficiency Implementers

In this workgroup session, Recurve’s Carmen Best will introduce the Demand FLEXmarket, a  model that allows energy efficiency, demand response, electrification, distributed generation, and storage to work together to achieve a clean and stable grid. 

The FLEXmarket enables innovative business models and technology to compete in the broader market through a Flexibility Purchase Agreement (FPA) that pays for the maximum cost-effective value to the grid and climate, without the barriers and complexity of traditional utility programs. Companies are free to develop their unique business models and technologies, without complex program rules and deemed outcomes.​

Demand FLEXmarket is based on open-source transparent measurement using the CalTRACK 2.0 Methods and the OpenEEmeter and part of the Linux Foundation Energy. Code and methods are open-source and available for all parties to review and utilize without restrictions.

Michigan Public Service Commission (PUC) New Technologies and Business Models workgroup is a focused, multi-year stakeholder initiative exploring the opportunities for new technologies and business models to maximize the benefits of the transition to clean, distributed energy resources (DERs) for Michigan residents and businesses. 

Join Microsoft Team Meeting
Join by phone: +1 248-509-0316; 768 774 782# (Dial-in Number)

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