Webinar Replay: Using Meter-Based Targeting to Boost Savings for Low-Income Heat Pump Customers

May 29, 2024

Electric space and water heating is a critical part of carbon-free energy. It’s so important that California has moved to end the sale of new gas-fired furnaces and water heaters by 2030 to advance the state’s climate goals. While electric heat pumps are clean and efficient, not all potential electrification customers are equally likely to save money from switching. In the short run, due to the high cost of electricity relative to natural gas, some customers could even see their bills go up.

In this webinar, Southern California Edison’s Jose Buendia, Alex Pollard of Recurve, and Jackie Kinsler of Energy Solutions explain how SCE uses meter data to identify the customers most likely to realize significant bill savings for its Building Electrification program.

What You'll Learn

  • How Recurve and TECH Clean California are leveraging smart meter data from across California to assess which customers are likely to save money from switching to an electric heat pump.
  • Why customers with high air conditioning loads will see the largest bill savings and deliver the greatest value to the grid.
  • How SCE's Building Electrification program is integrating customer targeting into their outreach to income-qualified customers.
  • Why meter-based customer targeting should be best practices to ensure the success of any electrification initiative.

SCE's innovative use of customer targeting is setting a new standard for how to optimize electrification and achieve quick wins that will set the stage for long-term success — for customers, our climate, and the grid.

Want to learn more?

Schedule a 30-minute meeting with an electrification specialist to learn how the Recurve platform is using data to identify customers who will save significantly on their energy bills and provide the biggest value to the grid.

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