How to Make the New Mandatory NMEC Rulebook Work for Your Program

February 5, 2020

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has released a mandatory rulebook for utility programs that employ meter-based quantification of energy efficiency impacts.

By requiring that these rules for Normalized Metered Energy Consumption (NMEC) be adopted for all programs "when feasible and appropriate," the CPUC is creating clear new guidance that has the potential to dramatically improve the efficiency of programs and the value of demand flexibility.

For both utilities and implementers, these new rules will reduce both overhead and the risk around claimable savings. And the good news is, converting your current program to meet the new requirements is easy.  

In this webinar, Recurve’s Carmen Best and McGee Young provide a review of the CPUC’s new guidance and share specific adaptations and solutions to evolve the program landscape in California and beyond. Find out how to make sure your M&V plan meets the requirements, and prepare for the future.

We took the liberty of breaking up the presentation into bite sized chunks (see below) so you can zero in on the parts that are most relevant. You can watch the full presentation on our YouTube channel.

For a primer on the CPUC’s new rulebook, check out our recent blog and feel free to contact us to learn more about how to make the new rules work for your specific program.

Overview. An overview of what's in the rulebook, including origins, scope and applicability.

Cost Effectiveness. While the CPUC's approach to cost effectiveness is not changing, the new rulebook presents opportunities to work within the new framework to make programs more cost effective through NMEC.

Savings Claims. How open source, meter-based standardization allows for repeatable calculations for claims.  

Methods and Software. The new CPUC rules default to requiring common, public, open source methods and savings calculation software. CalTRACK and the OpenEEmeter represent open, multi-stakeholder methods and software that meet these requirements and have already been used to file claims. In this clip, McGee Young explains how these methods apply the new rules, and dives in the nuances of gross, net, peak, and hourly load shapes.

Program Management. How you might go about fulfilling the program management requirements of the rulebook, including how to handle outlier and non-routine events, and eligibility requirements.

Payment Rules. A detailed look at how payment rules work under the new guidance.

Working Groups. An invitation to join the stakeholder working groups to shape the future of NMEC. 


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