Webinar: BayREN Business FLEXmarket Now Open

November 16, 2022

Contractors can earn 3X-7X the Incentives

Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Pacific
Who Should Attend: Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Solution Providers
i.e. Do you provide HVAC, Heat Pump, Lighting or any other energy efficiency/demand response services to small or medium businesses in the Bay Area?


Join the City of San Francisco and FLEXmarket representatives to learn how you can earn 3X - 7X the incentives with BayREN Business FLEXmarket. At this webinar you’ll learn:

  • How BayREN Business FLEXmarket can help you expand and grow your business.
  • How BayREN Business FLEXmarket incentives compare to MCE or PG&E Market Access incentives.
  • How you can forecast incentives for your projects.
  • How the enrollment process works. 
  • When and how payment works.
  • How you can combine FLEXmarket incentives with other rebate programs.

What is the BayREN Business FLEXmarket?

The BayREN Business FLEXmarket is brought to you by your local Bay Area governments and is focused on helping small and medium business owners cut energy costs and put savings back into their businesses. Because incentive payments are based on actual savings, contractors can earn more than from traditional rebate programs.

Higher incentives are available for projects at small and medium businesses (3x higher) and hard-to-reach businesses (7x higher).

BayREN Business FLEXmarket aligns incentives for all. Customers can experience bill savings and increased efficiency, the community benefits from increased grid reliability and decreased carbon emissions, and contractors can get paid more for the value they provide to the grid.

BayREN guarantees advance contractor payment of 20% of the estimated incentive for installed projects.

Want to learn more?

Contractors and energy efficiency solution providers interested in checking out BayREN Business FLEXmarket, visit www.demandFLEXmarket.com/bayrensignup and join us on November 30th!


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