How Policy can Support Performance-Based Demand Flexibility for Decarbonization

November 11, 2019

In this webinar, hosted by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), Carmen Best, Director of Policy & Emerging Markets at Recurve joins Steven Nadel, Executive Director of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy and Sue Coakley, Executive Director of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships for a discussion of articles they recently published in a special issue of Electricity Journal guest-edited by RAP on the role of energy efficiency in a decarbonized economy.

Want to learn more about how demand flexibility can become a procurable resource? Read our secret plan.

The Secret Plan for Decarbonization: How Demand Flexibility Can Save Our Grid

Read our Electricity Journal article to learn how behind the meter flexibility can work as a true grid and climate resource.

Read the articleRead the article

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