How to Unlock Load Flexibility: AESP 32nd Annual Conference Session

January 28, 2022

Date: February 7, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Who it's for: Energy Services Professionals

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More and more utilities are integrating a variety of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) into their portfolios. However, regulatory, economic, and institutional barriers limit the full valuation and integration of DER load flexibility benefits within power system planning, DSM program, and customer engagement processes. 

Join Recurve’s Carmen Best and other energy experts as they discuss recent research on incentive designs for EVs, demand response, and state-of-the-art methods for establishing baselines and quantifying load impacts for demand flexibility, along with the promise of  new market access programs for simplifying and rapidly scaling behind-the-meter resources to meet grid challenges. 

Learn how Open Source creates transparent weights and measures

Performance-based demand flexibility requires standardized and transparent weights and measures. Learn how open source methods and software can turn meter data into a true grid resource.

Learn moreLearn more

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