Recurve Welcomes Ted Thomas as Senior Market Advisor

November 1, 2022

Recurve is excited to welcome Ted Thomas, former Chair of the Arkansas Public Service Commission, as a Senior Market Advisor.  Ted will be support Recurve in identifying and analyzing regulatory and market opportunities across the United States, with a particular focus on states within ISO / RTO territories.  

Commissioner Thomas has gotten to know the Recurve suite of solutions over the past several years and noted that Recurve's focus on rigorous AMI data analysis and accurate baselining motivated him to join the team. He sees these two components as keys to the future of load flexibility’s path to recognition as any other resource in utility planning and electricity markets.   

"Recurve sets the pace in AMI data analytics and baselining. I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of the Recurve team."
- Ted Thomas

Commissioner Thomas will work closely with Carmen Best, Vice President of Policy & Emerging Markets. The two got to know each other when they were placed in the same cohort for the NARUC/NASEO Task Force on Electricity Planning. 

"Commissioner Thomas is a great source of thoughtful insights on any number of topics, from data access to market operations. He complements our team greatly as we are exploring new opportunities in supply-side markets and optimizing the energy transition across the country." 
- Carmen Best

Ted is a graduate of the University of Arkansas School of Law and has served in the legislature, as a senior governor's staffer and as both an ALJ and Chair of the Arkansas Public Service Commission, where he navigated a wide range of supply-side and load-modifying issues for Arkansas as well as the Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) and Southwest Power Pool (SPP). 

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