MCE Launches Peak FLEXmarket to Reduce Summer Peaks Through a Network of Providers

June 15, 2021

Recurve is thrilled to announce that the MCE Peak FLEXmarket is now live!

Are you managing buildings or have customers with controllable loads? If so, submit those sites to the MCE Peak FLEXmarket and get paid for saving energy during peak hours this summer!

The Peak FLEXmarket allows the integration of energy efficiency measures and demand response to create a truly flexible resource that can manage both extreme events and the long-term load-shaping needs of a decarbonizing grid. 

Designed to streamline aggregator participation and limit administrative work, the speed with which the market was developed and fully deployed (two months!) is both a huge achievement in and of itself and serves as a proof of concept that innovative demand flexibility markets can be developed rapidly to meet urgent grid needs.

"The Peak FLEXmarket highlights the huge potential of behind-the-meter solutions to positively impact the grid during the most expensive times of the year, connecting this value stream directly to customers and aggregators so they can help solve the problem of summer peak usage," said Alice Havenar-Daughton, Director of Customer Programs at MCE. "With the rapid deployment of this Market, we are excited to tap into the full spectrum of flexibility resources in order to save our customers money and address grid challenges this summer.”

The Peak FLEXmarket is aimed at reducing demand during the costly summer peak hours - weekdays from 4:00 - 9:00p.m. - most likely to contribute to the kind of devastating blackouts California suffered last summer. The FLEXmarket offers aggregators incentives for load shifting to non-peak hours from June through September 2021 and event-based response to support grid reliability and resiliency. 

Unlike conventional efficiency or demand response programs, the FLEXmarket is technology and business model agnostic, shrinking barriers to participation and opening the door to a wide range of behind-the-meter flexibility providers (aggregators) to balance load or respond to a day-ahead demand response signal to deliver flexibility to the grid. Already the program has inspired business model innovations that would have been impossible in a traditional program. Stay tuned for case studies of these groundbreaking companies.   

The FLEXmarket aims to drive 20 MW of peak reductions this summer, with 100% clean and local energy sources. It will send a consistent summer peak hour price signal of $150/MWh and a day-ahead resilience incentive of $200-$800/MWh that can be deployed during up to 12 grid events. Aggregators are simply paid based on the energy savings they deliver, with no minimum to participate.

Join our suite of innovative companies that have already signed up to deliver flexibility this summer!

Learn more at Canary Media and T&D World.

Are you a provider who has customers with controllable loads in MCE territory? Enroll in the Peak FLEXmarket so you can get paid for savings during peaks this summer! 

Contact us to find out how to participate.

The Secret Plan for Decarbonization: How Demand Flexibility Can Save Our Grid

Read our Electricity Journal article to learn how behind the meter flexibility can work as a true grid and climate resource.

Read the articleRead the article

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