Inflation Reduction Act: Measured Performance Home Efficiency Rebate

February 7, 2023

Prepare for a future where demand-side resources play an active role in a vibrant local energy economy. The Home Efficiency Rebate program allocates $4.3 billion for states to administer incentives for single and multifamily upgrades. The Measured Performance path provides an opportunity for rapid, low-risk implementation.

Why Measured Performance?

  • Data Driven Targeting. Target with geographic and demographic parameters, like low- and moderate-income.
  • Seamless Integration. Overlay with existing programs to reduce program overhead and avoid market confusion.
  • Measured Grid Value. Value home performance and grid optimization impacts with monthly or hourly AMI data.
  • Market-Based Approach. Reward innovation with a technology-agnostic model that supports businesses of all sizes.

Deploy Measured Performance

Keep It Simple

Avoid complicated and time-intensive energy models with the measured pathway. Leverage existing programs where possible to support market acceleration.

Accountable and Accessible Implementation

By embedding meter-based measurement and leveraging data infrastructure, aggregators can easily participate. Reward aggregators for project savings, realizing grid benefits, and reaching income-qualified communities.

Deliver Community Benefits

Upgrade single and multifamily homes, improving health and safety and providing resilience. Help reduce energy burden by proving savings at the meter. Develop a market for green jobs and innovation in your community.

Want to learn more about how your state can take advantage of this historic opportunity? Contact us.

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