There’s no denying it: this year has been difficult. We at Recurve want to encourage everyone to give back to their communities, especially during this holiday season.
In order to do our part, we’ve instituted volunteer days. We encourage every employee to take time off to support causes that they are passionate about. We are geographically distributed, and realize that every community has different needs. Therefore, instead of a company-wide initiative, we have given each team member extra days off to dedicate to volunteering in their own communities where it counts. With our volunteer days, we hope to make a difference globally by focusing locally.

We believe that It is our corporate responsibility to do what we can to support our communities and make the world a better place, and we are excited that our team is taking advantage of these opportunities.
After volunteering, our team members share their experiences, with the hopes of furthering education around issues that impact their own communities.
Today we wanted to highlight Natalie Kozlowksi and her important work with the Junior League of Wilmington.
The JLW supports equitable access to period supplies. This mission was inspired by the idea that no one should miss out on life - school, sports, activities, work, and more - because they lack the means for adequate pads and tampons. The JLW recently partnered with the Alliance for Period Supplies to distribute period supplies to community partners.
Natalie has always had a passion for helping underserved communities at a local level.
If you want to support her efforts, you can donate at this link.
Giving back is on everyone's mind this time of year, but at Recurve we are doing our best to make it part of our company culture all year long.