Harnessing Behind-the-Meter DERs to Build a Virtual Power Plant

January 16, 2020

Resource curves measure the change in the shape of demand behind the meter. By using these curves to target aggregated interventions to the right classes of buildings and project types, it becomes possible to deploy demand flexibility as a virtual power plant that maximizes value to customers and the grid.

In Part 2 of their article series in T&D World Magazine,  Recurve's Matt Golden, Adam Scheer and Carmen Best give real world examples of how this innovative approach to demand flexibility can work.

“By integrating resource curves that can be broken into dispatchable event-driven changes (energy) or predictable long-term effects (capacity) into a performance-based approach with more granular avoided cost information based on the full stack of grid values, utilities can reward implementers for metered results and integrated demand flexibility can serve as a procurable, market-based, long-term resource that solves time- and location-specific grid problems.”

Read the full article at T&D World.

Read Part 1 of the article series here.

Interested in finding out more about how market-based demand flexibility can help make decarbonization possible? Contact us.

The Secret Plan for Decarbonization: How Demand Flexibility Can Save Our Grid

Read our Electricity Journal article to learn how behind the meter flexibility can work as a true grid and climate resource.

Read the articleRead the article

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