Alex Pollard Joins Recurve as a Customer Solutions Manager

June 21, 2021

Welcome Alex!

Alex Pollard joined Recurve in 2021 to continue working at the leading edge of energy efficiency and make an impact on climate change. He has worked in program and project management for over 20 years in the energy, construction, and real estate fields.

For six years Alex was the energy efficiency commercial and industrial programs manager at the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources. During this time, he worked with utilities and stakeholders on $2+ billion of dollars of utility efficiency program spending. He also oversaw grant programs on high performance buildings and innovative technologies, helped launch a commercial PACE financing program in the state, and was a primary contributor to the first in the world energy regulations on the cannabis industry.

He earned a Masters in Real Estate Development from Arizona State University, and a degree in Communications from Boston University.

Alex is the eastern most United States representative of Recurve, where he works with a cranberry bog outside his window. He is passionate about music, builds trails in the woods, and enjoys spending time with his niece and nephew.

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