Customer Bill Impacts

Recurve's Customer Bill Impacts solution addresses critical challenges faced by utilities and regulators by allowing them to accurately assess the impacts of efficiency, demand response, virtual power plants, TOU rates, and other factors on customer bills.

Key Benefits

  • Gain a clear understanding of how bill savings differ across different population segments
  • Ability to course-correct to mitigate equity issues and reduce the risk of unexpected bill increases
  • Measure the impact of TOU or Real Time Pricing rate models on customer bills
  • Accurately account for the net impact of grid value net of utility revenue loss
  • Forecast rate structure impacts on customer bills
  • Improve customer satisfaction - anticipate rate impacts, confirm if customers are under the correct rate schedule, and foresee the implications of various rate structures
  • Design programs that harmonize operational efficiency with consumer affordability while maintaining robust revenue recovery

Multi-Layered Challenges

  • Complex Utility Bills – Given the multitude and complexity of rate plans specific to each utility, accurately translating energy savings into bill
    savings is substantially harder than it seems.
  • Multiple Programs and Measures – Energy Efficiency (EE), Electrification, and Demand Response (DR) programs can have varying impacts on rates and bills. Not having clear
    insight into the net impact of these programs on individual customers poses a significant challenge for utilities and policymakers. 
  • Energy Equity – Not all customers will benefit equally from every demand-side program, and in many cases, some segments of customers will have their bills increase, which often disproportionately affects low-income customers.

Most energy efficiency programs and providers lack reliable accounting for the impacts of energy efficiency interventions on customer bills. While quantifying energy bill savings may seem easy, complex rates, tiers, and time of use rates (TOU), combined with a range of non-energy systems costs, make getting an accurate measurement of bill savings challenging. 

Recurve's Customer Bill Impacts solution integrates a national rate engine to enable energy savings to be converted into both grid impacts and accurate bill savings for customers. Combined with open-source savings measurement, Customer Bill Impacts provides an accurate accounting of bill impacts of energy efficiency, electrification, and demand response on customer bills. 

The Recurve Solution

  • Customer Impact - Recurve’s national rates database ensures the precise conversion of energy savings into bill savings, accommodating commercial and residential users. Understand how bill savings differ across different population segments and course-correct to mitigate equity issues and reduce the risk of unexpected bill increases.
  • Time-of-Use Impacts - Measure the impact of TOU or Real Time Pricing rate models on customer bills.
  • Utility Revenue Impacts - Implementing demand management brings value in terms of the grid's avoided costs, but customer bill savings are also lost revenue for the utility. Recurve can accurately account for the net impact of grid value net of utility revenue loss.
  • Forecasting & Rate Analysis - The billing analysis module enables utilities to forecast rate structure impacts on customer bills. Anticipate rate impacts, confirm if customers are under the correct rate schedule, and foresee the implications of various rate structures.

Want to learn more?

Schedule a call with one of our specialists to learn how our solutions can transform your distributed energy resource strategy.

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