Beneficial Electrification

A data-driven solution for fair, affordable, and grid-optimal electrification program deployment.

Key Benefits

  • Grid Reliability. Enables utilities to forecast grid impacts and orchestrate electrification programs to maximize grid stability and efficiency.
  • Decarbonization. Ensure that electrification maximizes GHG reductions based on forecasted hourly GHG impacts.
  • Data-Driven Programs and Markets. Equip program providers with actionable insights drawn from trillions of smart meter data points.
  • Energy Equity. Ensure that electrification strategies, especially for low-income customers, result in lower energy bills, circumventing potential equity challenges.

Electrification Challenges

  • You Can’t Manage What You Don't Measure. The ability to measure, forecast, and orchestrate electrification's grid and customer impacts puts programs in the driver's seat to ensure outcomes.
  • Not all Customers are Created Equal. Electrification can increase consumer costs, creating equity issues for consumers, particularly low-income households.
  • Lack of a Feedback Loop Reduces Efficiency. Implementers and contractors need a feedback loop on the efficacy of their electrification projects to optimize project outcomes, improve energy savings for consumers, ensure return on investment for utilities, and reduce costly program overhead.

Recurve's Beneficial Electrification solution utilizes smart meter data to plan, deploy, and optimize building electrification programs to maximize customer bill savings, grid impact, and reduction of GHGs.

With its Resource Planner and Fleet Manager products, Recurve provides a complete solution to support the implementation of building electrification programs and markets. 

Recurve’s Resource Planner is the engine behind this solution that allows utilities and program implementers to analyze every customer on the grid, understand each customer's hourly energy usage patterns, see what end uses are driving consumption, identify who has bad air conditioners, who have electric vehicles, and what sites include solar to identify portfolios of customers that are optimal candidates for electrification. The above example targets 18% of customers' sites with double the air conditioning usage on average, with 20% less heating, representing a portfolio of customers with a high propensity to save with a heat pump.

Space Heating Electrification: Observed and Counterfactual Load Shapes

Recurve’s Fleet Manager provides a feedback loop for program implementers, utilities, and trade professionals to track the performance of their portfolios in terms of customer bill savings and grid impacts. This example is the hourly resource curve of participants in the Statewide Clean California TECH electrification program who installed heat pumps for HVAC.

However, this only tells part of the story. While peak savings are relatively low overall, the top 25% of targeted customers who used the most energy on air conditioning deliver nearly all peak savings. As the program continues to deploy, it can target these customers and dramatically increase GHG reductions and customer bill savings.

Space Heating Electrification: Summer Savings by Cooling MWh Bin

The Recurve Beneficial Electrification solution transforms smart meter data into a tool to maximize grid and customer benefits from electrification. It ensures utility electrification solutions are equitable, efficient, and cost-effective for their customers.

Want to learn more?

Schedule a call with one of our specialists to learn how our solutions can transform your distributed energy resource strategy.

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